Our Aim
We aim to change the way you experience growth throughout life. Too often we’re led by misguided or preconceived notions that affect our thinking about aging. These misconceptions prevent us from finding more effective ways to improve our bodies, minds and relationships with others. They have a negative effect on our lives, our health and our care.
At Agewell®, our mission is to break through commonly held myths to provide insight into the principles of aging. We're convinced that this will promote resilience to live longer, healthier, and more enriching lives.
I believe in aging with insight and resilience.
Stephen Rappaport, M.D.

The World is Rapidly Aging
What’s does aging really look like by the numbers? There's an unprecedented increase in the number of older people worldwide. Better standards of living and improved healthcare have increased life expectancy.
Dramatic Change in the Population Landscape
In 1900, the vast majority of people were under 40 years old. In our own time, there has been an enormous increase in the middle age population. By 2100, there will be a squaring of the age pyramid. This means that the absolute number and proportion of older people will grow rapidly.
When we're young we call it growing up. But there is a point when growing up becomes aging.
Katie Rappaport

Our Approach
No one is immune to the changes of time. Members of our community seek to strengthen their individual health and quality of life. The Agewell® approach is holistic—dealing with the physical, emotional, and interpersonal aspects of aging. We offer community, experiences and tools to advocate for your successful aging at every phase.
Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength.
Betty Friedan